Now that we have installed our software, setup direwolf, and configured axports, we can put them all together for a very fun, retro command line style Packet Radio connections.
Tune your radio to a known packet radio frequency. Make sure your radio is connected to your soundcard (like the DigiRig or Signalink etc) and your computer. Review the Direwolf setup if you need to re-setup your sound card.
First start direwolf in command mode note the /dev/pts/ number
direwolf -p

Start a new terminal. Use the sudo kissattach to connect the your axports portname to the /dev/pts/number. A successful port connection will come back with “AX.25 port [portname] bound to device ax0”
sudo kissattach /dev/pts/[number from direwolf] [portname from axports]

Now we are ready to connect to a packet node. In the same terminal use axcall command to connect to a node either directly or thru a digipeater.
axcall [portname] [node]

Wait a few seconds for Direwolf to catch up. Once connected all will be fine but the initial connection will be a little longer unless you use the command suggested in the Direwolf terminal.
Once connected to the packet node the terminal will change and you are in the packet node.

The commands are listed in all caps. As a user I encourage exploring the node. There is nothing you can break at the user level. Start with the BBS. Follow the prompts and enter your name. Leave a message for the node owner using command ‘SP’ in the BBS.
In the BBS use ‘op 25’ command to limit the the number of lines transmitted to you so you can easily abort the command if necessary. Some BBS will have thousands of messages on the list. Sadly most are irrelevant, although some may interest you, but having the option to abort the transmission is nice thing.

Then there is always the good old ‘help’ command so you can dive deeper into your packet BBS journey.

Have fun with it. Please do make sure to leave a message for the node owner/manager the node callsign without the SSID. For example if connected to the KC3SMW-7 node, you could leave a message for me by:
sp kc3smw
You’ll be prompted for the Title only. A short subject line will do. Press enter.
You’ll prompted for your message. Every time you press enter to start a new line you radio will keep up and transmit. Sign your message. Use ‘/ex’ to end your message. The message will then be posted to the BBS.

To check you messages use the ‘LM’ command for List Mine.

To Read, use R then the message number

When you are done exploring the BBS use ‘bye’ to disconnect completely or ‘node’ to exit the BBS and go back to the node.
There are many more commands and we have just scraped the surface of Packet Radio. Direwolf is much deeper than and can be used for much more than we discussed.
Then there is the ridiculous factor. If you want to see what it was like before modern computer try cool-retro-term a fun terminal that emulates the older look.
sudo apt install cool-retro-term
It works the same way as your regular terminal, just a little more fun.

When you are finished you should safely disconnect your axport and shutdown direwolf. The killall command will do this.
sudo killall kissattach
Then in the direwolf terminal use the CTRL-C command to quit direwolf.
There you go. Packet Radio on Linux, a little retro fun, and tons to explore and play with. Also check out for way more information about packet radio and much much dive than provided here. If you don’t already have a Winlink account, get one to be able to email over the radio.
I hope you enjoyed this series.